About Us

Focused exclusively on managing and delivering your Operations and Experience Change Management

Who we are?

We are a small boutique strategy consulting firm, with alumni from global top Fortune 100 companies and backed by years of both industry and consulting experience. We wanted to go indie driven by one common goal – Be authentic.

Authenticity doesn’t have to packaged under the wraps of ‘It Depends’ and ‘Trade-offs’. Yes, we understand that all business decisions have a benefit-expense ratio, but we put that into the perspective of a Transformation office and what future value does a change bring home for the business with macro-economic trends factored in. Creating your value register, controlled by you and stress-tested with time value of money is our primary objective on what we bring to the table for you.

Why us?​

Consulting without thought leadership is anything but consulting. And true thought leadership is a function of experience and creative thinking.

Most big consulting firms today are driven by organized thinking from industry generalists largely driven by libraries of templates, not something we practice or will do.

Our consulting is individualized, fully focused on attention-to-details by area specialists in a particular sector with hands-on experience of walking the talk. We are not motivated by ‘templatized’ thinking but our winning mantra for you is bringing personalized, creative, out-of-the-box solutions that are scalable and fast-adaptive to today’s changing market dynamics.​

Why the name?​

For those native to this part of the Carolinas, Franklin Street is the place where future leaders and dreamers often meet and enrich their cultural intellects. Thought Leadership is shaped by our cultural quotients we groom ourselves into throughout our learning journey. And what better place than Franklin Street to celebrate our thought leadership. We are a Carolinas-born company, so this is just our way to keep ourselves rooted to the origin.


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